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Why Energy Storage Is Important For the Future of Renewable Energy in Singapore 

Singapore Green Plan 2030 targets net zero emissions by year 2050. According to Energy Authority Market (EMA), natural gas accounts for 95% of electricity generated in Singapore.

It is expected that 23% of Singapore’s power generation capacity will reach its limit and will be due for replacement in the next five years.

Concerns also loom about how future gas plants entering the power ecosystem could potentially impact the Singapore Green Plan 2030.

Is Renewable Energy Singapore’s Best Alternative? 

In general, energy generated from natural resources are known as renewable energy and is replenishable. Examples of renewable energy include solar, wind, geothermal and hydro. These options are usually the best route for countries looking to find alternative means to power homes, businesses and facilities.

Singapore has limited renewable energy resources, with no hydro resources, low wind speeds and tidal range, and no geothermal energy, solar energy remains as the most viable source of renewable energy. Located about 137 kilometres north of the Equator, the city-state gets an average annual solar irradiance of 1,580 kWh/m2/year.

Although this continues to be a reliable natural resource, climate change and limited available land for solar panel deployment on larger scales has made it challenging for Singapore to harness the full benefits of solar energy.

How Energy Storage Systems Help?  

Advanced technology such as an Energy Storage System (ESS) has made it possible to store energy for later use — especially useful for storing solar energy. ESS addresses issues related to solar intermittency and enhances grid resilience. This is done by actively managing mismatches between energy supply and the demand for it. With the Singapore Green Plan 2030 well underway, the advantages enabled by ESS are vital to maximising Singapore’s resource of solar energy.

Liquefied Natural Gas As A Solution

As the Government navigates facilitating the deployment of renewable energy in Singapore, business can consider switching to GasHub’s Liquefied Natural Gas to power your daily operations. LNG when used with the right technology can help businesses reduce operation cost and reduce CO2 emission.

Natural gas when cooled to -162℃ shrinks by 600 times and will not ignite below 540℃. LNG emits almost no environmentally damaging sulphur dioxide, it emits 30% lesser carbon dioxide as compared to fuel oil and 45% lesser carbon dioxide than coal. Furthermore, it also has a proven twofold reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions. As LNG vaporises if spilled, it leaves no ground or water residue — making it harmless to aquatic life and waterways.

Sustainability is GasHub’s utmost priority. We specialise in LNG-centric gas distribution and solutions and is the leading LNG player in Singapore. Our solution enables a path toward cleaner environment and helps businesses reduce carbon emissions while increasing profit. To learn more about how GasHub can help your business, talk to us today!

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What Are Carbon Offsets? 

We are all contributors to pollution in some way and the two biggest polluters in day-to-day life includes gasoline powered vehicles and using fossil fuel or coal in power generation.

Even daily activities like grocery shopping leaves carbon footprint. Regardless of how fresh or organic your purchases are, everything has to undergo some form of processing as this ensures their safety, proper packaging and shipment to your local market or grocery store. Other purchases such as canned or bottled goods also undergo processing and packaging before they reach the shelves.

All of these undoubtedly produce greenhouse gas emissions.

How Carbon Offsets Help Reduce Our Carbon Footprints 

In our previous articles on sustainable trends that are here to stay and energy optimisation strategies, we only skimmed the surface of what carbon offsets are.

There is no way for an individual or business to cut carbon emissions completely. However, you can ensure you invest in a project that reduces future emissions or removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

This is called carbon offsetting and credits are used to fund projects or programs that actively engage in the work of carbon reduction. Such projects include reforestation efforts, methane capture programs at landfills and waste facilities, industrial pollutant destruction, agricultural soil management and the effort to further advance energy efficient technologies.

How You Can Contribute to Carbon Offsets Efforts 

Many might think that only large organisations can contribute to carbon offsets but individuals and even small businesses can contribute to this endeavour.

One of the simplest ways for business to be less carbon intensive is to switch from a fossil fuel base business to a greener alternative such as GasHub’s Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

LNG can benefit businesses in ways such as:

  • Reducing Carbon Footprint – Emitting almost no environmentally-damaging Sulphur dioxide and 30% less carbon dioxide than fuel oil.
  • Reduces Energy Costs – Greater savings at 20% off your current Town Gas or LPG bill.
  • Versatile & Reliable – Easy to transport; many uses as a fuel for heating, power generation and industrial processes in its gaseous state; and there are gas resources around the world lasts for more than 200 years
  • Safe for Daily Use – Only combusts in air-to-fuel proportions of 5 to 15%; auto-ignition will only be possible at approximately 540℃.
  • Cleaner Source of Energy – Shrinks in volume by 600 times when cooled to -162℃, forming into a clear, colourless, odourless, non-toxic, and non-corrosive liquid; leaves no ground or water residue.

While LNG and carbon offset projects do not completely prevent emissions being released into our environment, these provide some relief to know that there are projects to offset our daily activities.

GasHub provides solutions for many industries and homes in Singapore. If you are in the market for a more cost-effective and cleaner energy, GasHub can help reduce your energy costs while reducing your carbon footprint. To learn more about how GasHub can help your business, talk to us today!

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Ways to Reduce Business Energy Costs During Singapore’s Warmest Months 

Weather temperatures in Singapore average between 25℃ to 31℃ all year round. However, during its warmest months, from April to July, this can rise to 33℃.

Singapore has recently recorded some of its highest temperatures in April 2022, going upwards to 36.8℃. With temperatures rising, most businesses in Singapore may not be as energy efficient as they can be and could end up spending more in order to maintain productivity or keep up with daily operations.

So, what can businesses do to make sure they are achieving their sustainability goals?  A business can Fortunately, there are simple steps that your business can take to combat this and reduce energy costs without having to compromise on productivity and revenue.

 1. Installing Energy Efficient Devices 

Recoup your business’s costs with better equipment instead of allowing old, inefficient devices to continue eating away at your energy budget. There are always better alternatives your business can take advantage of as an opportunity to save more. This can be from something as simple as switching to energy-efficient lightings such as LEDs or upgrading your equipment or machinery.

2. Leveraging Off-Peak Hours 

Many may not know this, but utilities charge higher rates during peak hours of the day. Your business maybe paying more for energy usage at different times of the day. Fortunately, you can always take advantage of off-peak hours in order to significantly reduce your business’s energy costs. However, your business may need to reorganise the timing of its operations in order to leverage on this and it may not be feasible for all businesses.

3. Switching to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 

Most businesses operating heavy machinery often rely on fossil fuels such as diesel to power their businesses. Not only does this mean that your business is emitting a considerable amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, it also means that you are not saving as much as you could. GasHub’s LNG is an alternative source of energy that can help businesses save on energy costs while emitting 30% less CO2 compared to diesel.

4. Re-Evaluate Your Energy Strategy

As mentioned in our previous article, an energy strategy for your business could yield positive results in ways of reducing environmental impacts while increasing profitability and saving costs. Having said this, if your business has not taken the warmest months of the year into account, you may need to re-evaluate your energy strategy to accommodate the warmer months of the year. By doing this, you avoid running the risk of missing opportunities to efficiently manage your business’s energy usage and lower costs in the long run.

GasHub provides solutions for many industries in Singapore. If you are in the market for efficient and cost-effective cleaner energy, GasHub can help reduce your energy costs while lowering your carbon emissions and increasing profit. To learn more about how GasHub can help your business, talk to us today

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How Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) Help Businesses in Singapore Achieve Their Sustainability Goals

Singaporeans are known for jumping on to the latest trends. This includes their increased awareness of sustainability and understanding the environmental impacts from our daily routine. Likewise, businesses in Singapore are moving towards more eco-friendly initiatives to achieve energy efficiency and sustainability.

The possibility of the driving demand for renewable energy solutions may have stemmed from consumers taking an interest in the matter of climate change and environmental sustainability.

So, what can businesses do to make sure they are achieving their sustainability goals?  A business can do this by having an Energy Optimisation Strategy and installing an Energy Intelligence System, but especially switching to agreener source of energy such as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). Something that to take note of here is that  fossil fuel based LNG are not considered renewable energy as carbon is the main element. Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) is another solution towards this endeavour.

 What are  Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) ?

Put simply, Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are tradable green energy attributes that represent units of electricity that has been generated from renewable energy. One megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity is represented by one certificate that was generated from a renewable energy source and delivered to a regional grid.

Facilities which comply with and are registered under standards that are internationally recognised, such as the I-REC standard, are eligible to be issued RECs for every unit generated. RECs may be utilised by companies or individuals to achieve sustainability goals when it comes to purchased electricity, and to embody the environmental attributes associated with renewable energy.

As recently as 2021, Energy Authority Market has stated that Singapore plans to launch standardised guidelines for renewable energy certificates as part of its efforts to decarbonise its power sector, and eventually develop a regional grid. RECs are a common means and solution for energy users, both businesses and individuals, to fulfil sustainability goals and commitments.

In order to facilitate the consistency of the transaction and management of RECs, a new Singapore Standard (SS) 673: Code of Practice for Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) has been launched under the Singapore Standards Council and Enterprise, National Environment Agency and Energy Authority Market.

Benefits of RECs

RECs can benefit in numerous ways. It can help your business achieve emission goals, and promote commitment to renewable energy by encouraging it on a broader scale, among others. With the increasing demand for RECs, more renewable energy must be generated, and this can in turn lower the demand for fossil fuel.

More benefits of RECs:

  • Reduce your business’s carbon footprint
  • Support the renewable energy market
  • The ability to choose exactly where you buy renewable energy from
  • Promote your business’s commitment to renewable energy
  • Use renewable sources of energy without installing costly facilities such as solar panels
  • Build strong relationships with the community and your consumers, and encouraging renewable energy use

GasHub’s utmost priority is sustainability, and as the leading gas player in Singapore, we specialise in LNG-centric gas supply and technology solutions. Our solutions enable paths toward a cleaner and greener environment, helping businesses reduce energy costs and carbon emissions while increasing profit. To learn more about how GasHub can help your business, talk to us today!

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Sustainability Trends That Are Here To Stay

As more people are becoming aware of climate change, businesses are under scrutiny with the mounting pressure to stay on top of their sustainability game. This is driven by a combination of initiatives involving environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impacts, competitive pressure, and compliance with policies to continue exploring the implementation of new sustainability strategies as part of an organisation’s business strategy.

So what can your business do to stay relevant? Here are a few sustainability trends your business can consider adopting that aren’t going anywhere anytime soon:

 1. Work-from-home arrangement

Work-from-home or remote work used to be a way of employment reserved only for digital nomads. The recent pandemic has instead turned it into a necessity for businesses to continue operating as usual. As it turns out, this arrangement has not only been able to keep businesses afloat during difficult times but also positively impacted the environment.

With the reduced number of cars on the road and lower energy consumption in massive office buildings, greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel consumption had decreased significantly during the crucial months of lockdown. This has encouraged more environmentally conscious businesses to continue allowing their teams to work-from-home due to as it is one of the most efficient ways to reduce carbon footprint.

2. Sustainable products

Gen Z definitely has a way when it comes to setting trends. Unsurprisingly, sustainable products are on top of their list of what may continue to be in trend for years to come. With access to a vast amount of information at their fingertips, Gen Z inevitably has a heightened awareness of climate change and loss of biodiversity. In fact, many are compelled to fight climate change by joining environmental movements or simply opting for a more sustainable lifestyle, such as supporting brands that are committed to sustainability practices and producing sustainable products. As Gen Z make its way into the workforce, relevant businesses should not overlook their purchasing power.

3. Carbon offsetting will go mainstream

Put simply, carbon offsetting is funding projects that remove emissions that have been released into the atmosphere as a result of businesses running their daily operations or preventing emissions from being released at all. These projects include reforestation, afforestation, and even renewable energy projects. As more businesses become aware of the impacts their companies have on the environment, carbon offset projects will continue to grow and eventually become mainstream when it comes to owning a business. This allows businesses to run on a daily basis while doing their part to prevent or reduce their carbon footprint.

4. Renewable energy as an affordable alternative

It’s a no-brainer that businesses are always looking to reduce expenses where they can. Energy is required to power a business, with fossil fuel being the cheaper alternative to fossil fuel compared to renewable energy. According to the IEA’s Renewables 2020, solar power is now more affordable than coal, with wind and solar plants becoming cheaper by 70% and 89% respectively in the last ten years. Another cleaner source of energy is GasHub’s Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG); it emits 30% less carbon dioxide compared to fuel and savings on your current town gas bill.

At GasHub, we aim to bring cleaner energy solutions to businesses with our LNG-centric gas distribution solution. From consultation and installation to maintenance and after-sales support, your business is in good hands with Singapore’s leading Green Energy Enablers. To learn more about how GasHub can help your business, talk to us today!

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Why Businesses Needs An Energy Intelligence System

With technology and artificial intelligence steadily advancing, more businesses are taking advantage of the multitude of smart equipment and software systems to simplify and optimise their daily operations. Among them is the energy intelligence system.

It is an advanced analytical platform designed to give you the necessary data and knowledge on the ins and outs of your business. From delivery, usage, reliability, and benchmarking to resiliency and total costs of what it takes to run your business. This includes tracking electricity, natural gas, and water usage. With these information, your organisation will then be able to better budget for it.

This better view and understanding of what goes on in the back-end will allow you to act and make the best decisions to optimise your facility and its operations, while taking steps to save and conserve where possible.

Energy intelligence systems are in no way new in Singapore. Rolled out and spearheaded by Energy Marketing Authority (EMA) in 2010, it serves as a workable solution for Singapore’s power system to enhance efficiency and resilience while deferring capital investments to meet future demands of consumers. This will also help businesses in Singapore to lower their energy costs and reduce carbon emissions.

 Here are 4 benefits of integrating an energy intelligence system into your business:

1. Reduce energy consumption  

Energy consumption can be reduced with the use of smart technology by up to 10%. This, in turn, can translate to significant financial savings and acts as a more efficient and effective approach to meeting green goals.

 2. Improve building efficiency

Energy intelligence systems also provide data about how your facility is being used, enabling adjustments to be made accurately. With those insights and the right implementations or replacements, you can improve overall efficiency, boost productivity, and increase your business’s bottom line.

 3. Predictive maintenance

Maintenance costs for building equipment can be hefty, but regular maintenance is still more cost-effective than frequent replacement with poor handling and maintenance in the long run.

Buildings and facilities with energy intelligence systems have an advantage in foreseeing maintenance required. This allows detecting building performance and activating maintenance procedures prior to an alert. Having an outlook of how the building operates and is used will help with maintenance required at the right time.

4. Track real-time progress on sustainability goals

If your business has been seeking a more comprehensive way to track sustainability goals, an energy intelligence system provides you with the ability to track and report performance of energy projects and initiatives. This includes energy conservation measures, carbon reduction initiatives, conversion of fuel, and more.

Moreover, these smart systems can produce custom, tailored key insights based on your facility’s needs. Whether it be to present reports to the higher-ups or to track and tweak the progress and performance of your sustainability goals, guesswork is no longer in the equation.

Energy intelligence systems can be a relevant entity for a variety of industries that need to keep up with strict energy and water budgets, equipment, assets, or even numerous facilities and buildings. This can range from the private sector to the government. At GasHub, sustainability is our utmost priority. As the leading gas player in Singapore, we specialise in LNG-centric gas distribution and engineering. Our solution enables a path toward a cleaner and greener environment and helps businesses reduce energy costs and carbon emissions while increasing profit. To learn more about how GasHub can help your business, talk to us today!

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Energy Optimisation Strategies for Businesses in Singapore

More businesses in Singapore are becoming increasingly aware of their carbon footprint and the environmental impacts of their daily operations. This has stimulated new initiatives which focus on achieving energy efficiency and sustainability.

Onsite optimisation strategies include upgrading infrastructure and targeted system retrofits designed to help increase overall energy efficiency and operating performance through a system-based building analysis and approach. This approach will allow businesses to better optimise their energy consumption, manage costs, and achieve sustainability goals.

Despite the Singapore government’s best efforts to reduce emissions from as early as 1970 by

There are numerous reasons why your business can benefit from implementing energy optimisation strategies such as:

  • Addressing proactive renewal of all building systems by applying an integrated, life cycle approach
  • Meeting internal sustainability and decarbonisation targets
  • Mitigating any underlying losses, both economical and operational, associated with equipment failure and downtime
  • Introducing cost-saving efforts to overall building maintenance and operations spending

While these energy optimisation strategies do require extensive and coordinated planning, it can provide greater savings to your business in the long run. These efforts can also put your facility on the net-zero path.

Net zero is in reference to the balance between how much greenhouse gas is released into and removed from the atmosphere. In a previous article, we explained the meaning of carbon neutral, whereby the emissions produced from fueling your business with natural gas are balanced by carbon offset projects such as forestry preservation and renewable energy projects. This is part of what it takes to achieve a net-zero goal of climate neutrality.

 What Upgrades Can Your Business Make? 

Some upgrades that your business can make as part of your business’s energy optimisation strategies include:

  • Installing the right-sized heating and cooling systems
  • Implementing enhanced building automation systems and technologies, and advanced monitoring and metering to align the overall systems with your facility’s occupancy (i.e., dynamic scheduling, load sensing, occupancy sensors for lighting, etc.)
  • Installing intelligent lighting systems and incorporating daylight harvesting and advanced control strategies
  • Building envelope upgrades (i.e. roof insulation, radiant barrier, cool roof, wall insulation, etc.)

Switching your business’s power source to a renewable energy source (i.e. Liquefied Natural Gas)

Consider the Use of Technologies to Find Opportunities 

It’s imperative that businesses looking to implement an energy optimisation strategy understand their daily energy consumption, which includes understanding where and when energy is being utilised by what end-use systems. Deploying the right automated technologies for your business can support the gathering of data for further analysis to better pinpoint areas where energy consumption can be reduced.

 Switch to LNG 

Consider switching to GasHub’s Liquefied Natural Gas to power your daily operations. LNG is a colourless, non-toxic liquid natural gas. When cooled to -162℃, it shrinks by 600 times, and will not ignite below 540℃. This type of gas emits almost no environmentally-damaging sulphur dioxide, 30% less carbon dioxide as compared to fuel, and 45% less than coal. Furthermore, it also has a proven twofold reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions. LNG vaporises; therefore, it leaves no ground or water residue, and is harmless to aquatic life and waterways.

At GasHub, sustainability is our utmost priority. As the leading gas player in Singapore, we specialise in LNG-centric gas distribution and engineering. Our solution enables a path toward a cleaner and greener environment and helps businesses reduce energy costs and carbon emissions while increasing profit. To learn more about how GasHub can help your business, talk to us today!

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Impacts of Climate Change on Businesses in Singapore 

Singaporeans are no strangers to year-round warm weather, but we are not shielded from the impending impacts of climate change that is the cause of recently increased temperatures. According to the National Climate Change Secretariat, reports from 1980 to 2020 have shown an increase in annual mean temperature from 26.9℃ to 28.0℃.

Climate change raises concerns in numerous areas such as:

  • rising sea levels;
  • difficulty in water resource management;
  • effects on biodiversity and greenery;
  • effects on public health;
  • urban heat island effect;
  • and food security.

Despite the Singapore government’s best efforts to reduce emissions from as early as 1970 by establishing the Anti-Pollution Unit to tackle air pollution, Singapore’s constraints as a small, highly urbanized city-state with a population of over 5 million have made all endeavors following this a challenge.

How Bad Can It Be?

Climate change doesn’t just affect the public but businesses in Singapore as well.  Business activities in Singapore can be severely affected by the occurrence of irregular, but frequent weather extremes, leading to disruptions of business supply chains and volatile food prices as more than 90% of food resources in Singapore are imported.

More regulators, banks, financial institutions, and institutional investors in Singapore are taking the initiative to establish practices through internal systems and operational frameworks to identify, set timelines for improvements, and tighten controls for carbon-intensive industries as part of the global consensus in the “change of climate.”

According to Business Times, businesses that are not willing to improve their carbon footprint will eventually be renounced by financial institutions and private equity. These businesses may also be avoided by regulators of financial and capital markets.

Besides, the most obvious shift is in the mindset of retail investors, notably in their preferences to invest in sustainable and eco-conscious public-listed businesses. This can heavily impact businesses in Singapore that are not on board with the global Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) movement.

Ways To Reduce The Impact

Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security, Teo Chee Hean, spoke at the most recent Ecosperity Week. He highlighted, “To remain competitive in the long term, businesses will need to incorporate decarbonisation and climate risks into their strategies.

He spoke directly about the impact climate change will have on businesses, especially when it comes to disruptions of operating models and supply chains.

Companies looking to avoid the risk of being written off by financial regulators and investors or even potentially losing customers can consider switching to a cleaner source of energy such as GasHub’s Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to power their businesses.

LNG is a colourless and non-toxic liquid natural gas. When cooled to -162℃, it shrinks by 600 times and will not ignite below 540℃. It emits almost no environmentally-damaging sulphur dioxide, 30% less carbon dioxide as compared to fuel, and 45% less compared to coal. Not to mention, it also has a proven twofold reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions. LNG vaporises, leaving no ground or water residue, and is harmless to aquatic life and waterways.

At GasHub, sustainability is our utmost priority. As the leading gas player in Singapore, we specialise in LNG-centric gas distribution and engineering. Our solution enables a path toward a cleaner and greener environment and helps businesses reduce energy costs and carbon emissions while increasing profit. To learn more about how GasHub can help your business, talk to us today!

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Grow Your Business with a Sustainability Agenda

Whether you’re a small business or a large organisation, we can all do our part to be more conscious of our business decisions. While there is no international standard to benchmark a sustainable economy, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit, Singapore fell short with only a ‘B’ grade when it came to sustainability in areas such as decarbonization, environmental stewardship, and labor conditions.

Even with the Singapore Green Plan 2030 and the government hiking carbon taxes, businesses in Singapore can take action with a sustainability agenda.

What is a Sustainability Agenda?  

Simply put, it is a plan set in place by a business to achieve goals around financial, social, and environmental sustainability. The agenda should be in the best interest of the environment, consumers, and the business. As a matter of fact, a sustainable business can be both environmentally friendly and profitable.

Decreasing your business’s negative impacts on the environment can be profitable, and numerous companies worldwide have been shown to generate USD 1 billion a year in revenue. Small businesses can also incorporate sustainable practices into their long-term goals and get a head start with a sustainability agenda.

Steps to Develop a Sustainability Agenda

Here are four easy steps your business can follow to develop a sustainability agenda that will yield positive results for both the environment and your bottom line.

1. Assess Your Business 

It’s time to assess your business for areas of improvement. Sometimes, to increase revenue and profit, it’s good practice to do regular audits. Is your business aligned with the Singapore government’s sustainable development agenda? When was the last time your business checked compliance?

Keeping abreast of global issues such as global warming and energy crises can offer insights into your business on this front, allowing you the opportunity to close the gap.

2.  Seek Opportunities and Innovate

A successful sustainable business identifies opportunities to improve and innovate. Inspect your business and seek opportunities for enhancements. Once these opportunities are spotted, work towards creating innovative solutions with sustainability in minds such as reducing carbon footprint and energy consumption.

3. Create a Vision

Your business’s vision for sustainability should be what makes it tick. Choose a cause as the driving passion of your efforts, create a clear vision for each division or department, and be specific about your business’s sustainability model. With all of these in place, your organisation, top to bottom, can strive towards this shared vision.

 4.  Implementation

Once you’re all set, it’s time to execute your plans. Clearly communicate your company’s new sustainability agenda to your employees. The collective effort of a team will ensure the successful implementation of these new initiatives. Policies can be set in place for specific departments or divisions to make the transition easier in this new direction.

At GasHub, sustainability is our utmost priority. As a leading gas player in Singapore, we specialise in LNG-centric gas supply and technology solutions. Our solutions enable paths toward a cleaner and greener environment and help businesses reduce energy costs and carbon emissions while increasing profit. To learn more about how GasHub can help your business, talk to us today!

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5 Reasons for Businesses in Singapore to Switch to Carbon-Neutral LNG 

As we’ve explained in our previous article, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is a natural gas source that boast to reduce carbon emissions by up to 30% and is a great alternative source of energy for Singapore. 

What exactly is Carbon-Neutral LNG? 

To put it simply, carbon neutral means that the emissions produced from fueling your business in Singapore with natural gas are balanced by carbon offset projects. It refers to the purchase of carbon credits in order to offset emissions that are produced from LNG supply chains. These carbon credits are used to fund various offset projects such as reforestation, afforestation, and even renewable energy projects. Some of these projects can directly benefit the environment, such as removing carbon from the atmosphere through reforestation and afforestation. 

Why Your Business Should Switch to Carbon-Neutral LNG 

So why has the rest of the world been considering the switch to LNG? Here are the top 3 benefits of LNG that you should know if energy costs and sustainability are your business’s top concerns:

 1. Reduces Carbon Footprint 

Your business can be a part of a growing movement in Singapore to reduce its carbon footprint. While LNG still emits up to 70% CO2 compared to hydrocarbon fuel, it has almost no environmentally-damaging Sulphur dioxide emissions and releases 45% less carbon dioxide than coal. There is also a twofold reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions.

2. Reduces Industrial Energy Costs

This reason is almost a no-brainer if you have a business in Singapore. You will be able to run daily operations and focus on increasing profits by simply switching to a greener alternative for your source of energy. GasHub’s LNG solution offers you greater savings at 20% off your current Town Gas or LPG bill. By saving on your energy bill, your business will be able to invest in upgrading equipment or other solutions for a more efficient workflow.

3. Versatile & Reliable Source of Energy 

Businesses who have already jumped on the bandwagon of this cost-effective source of energy will know that LNG is extremely versatile. It can be easily transported to users that are either far away from the source of natural gas or do not have access to the natural gas pipe network. LNG, when reverted to its gaseous state, has many uses as a fuel for heating, power generation and industrial processes. With an abundantly proven reserve of natural gas, it is safe to say that LNG will be able to reliably last for more than 200 years.

4. Safe for Everyday Use

LNG is a safe alternative source of energy with narrow flammability limits which only combusts in air-to-fuel proportions of 5-14%. Auto-ignition is also only possible at approximately 540℃. Thus, LNG is a great solution to be used by industrial manufacturers, hotels and restaurants, transportation, and even heating, cooling and cooking at home.

5. Clean Source of Energy 

When cooled to -162℃, LNG shrinks in volume 600 times which then forms into a clear, colourless, odourless, non-toxic, and non-corrosive liquid. In this state, it vaporizes and leaves no ground or water residue, making it safe for the environment as it will not harm Singapore’s aquatic life or damage waterways. LNG will also not ignite, which makes it easier and safer to transport and store.

Although carbon-neutral LNG and the offset projects do prevent a rise in emissions, it is a step in the right direction for businesses in Singapore who are looking for a more sustainable source of energy to power their daily operations.

GasHub provides solutions for many industries in Singapore. If you are looking for efficient and cost-effective cleaner energy, GasHub can help reduce your energy costs and lower your carbon emissions while increasing profit. To learn more about GasHub can help your business, talk to us today!